Intrepid originator. Change agent. Erotic idealogue.
Kyle Whelliston was all of these things and so much more. Over the course of thirty-one years, he wrote 2,360 articles and essays for various online and print publications, as well as some books. As per his last will and testament, all 2,905,310 of his life's words have been collected here, in one place, for eternal posterity. Keep his flame alive. This is the Whelliston Memorial Library.

92. Spids Nøgenhat - Mere Lys (2013)
In any creative youth culture at a given point of time and place, music tends to take the shape of the effects of whichever drugs are readily available. Indeed, an entire alternate timeline could be written that recasts the history of rock and pop as a series of pharmaceutical prescriptions. But maybe another time.
The Daily Paragraph 1/23/2007 (Pick Em Edition)
COOKEVILLE, Tenn. -- Over the past 20 days or so, the vast majority of my incoming hoops-related mail (and Friday chat questions) have had to do with the mid-major conference selections that I submitted to the Worldwide Leader the other week.
Backwoods Freaks of Nature
Interstate 89 northbound is a long drive for someone with nothing to think about. There are plenty of "Next Exit 15 Miles" reminders, too many unsettlingly incomplete gas/food/lodging triads, and trees, lots of trees. By Thanksgiving, the leaf peepers are all gone away - all that's left along the roadsides are ghoulish galleries of dark fingers stripped to their bones, all clawing skyward.
The Boubacar 11/20/2007 (Justin Credulous Edition)
PAWTUCKET, R.I. -- It's a snowy Tuesday here at the office home, but that won't depress us, not in the least. Here, for the first time ever, a 100% positive Boubacar..
Good Morning Hoops Nation December 30
LOGAN, Utah -- Yesterday's GMHN closed with a query to the cosmos as to why there will be nearly 300 fewer mid versus major games in 2008-09 than there were in 2007-08. And when I end a daily post with a question, I should expect that my mailbox will contain a few answers. Because this is a complex question with very intriguing and double-sided answers, I'm going to wring a few days out of this.